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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Between the Lines

BETWEEN THE LINES by Jodi Picoult & Samantha Van Leer
Worth reading: ★★☆ (8/10)
Reason: Simple. Easy to understand. Special story.

"We could all be who we want to be, instead of who someone else told us to be." - by Oliver.
This is the sentence I found meaningful in this story.

It is a story that having the most special story plot I had ever read.
A story plot that suit both adult and young readers.
Romance and reality and fantasy.

Have you ever think that the character in a fairy tale could talk with you?
In this story, Delilah did.
She found the character in her favourite fairy tale 'Between the Lines' by Jessamyn Jacobs, Prince Oliver could talk with her. She believed what he tells.
The characters acted according to what the author want them to be when there is reader open the book and read it. But the characters are all having different characteristic and living style as well as talking style when the book is closed.

Oliver doesn't like Seraphima (the girl he loves and tries his best to rescue according to the author's story plot).
Oliver wants to escape from the story.
Oliver shouts and Delilah is the first reader who realizes it, who could hear whatever he is talking about.
They chat.
They are falling in love.
Delilah holds the book everytime and her mom thought she is insane and sends her to a doctor.
How possible is the character in a fairy tale could stay with a high school girl who comes from a real world forever?
They try.
They try every method that they could think of to set Oliver free from the story.
They fail.
Until the twist that occur in the end of the story which is really surprise me!
Everyone Deserves A Happy Ending.

I kept think of how Jodi Picoult and her daughter gonna end the story and make Oliver and Delilah could stay forever when I was reading. And the ending they made is great. It is not logical, seriously not very logical but reasonable and seemed like no other better way could be done. That's why I love Jodi's book. Her books always make me curious about the ending. And also the ending she wrote everytime surprise me.

I really enjoy reading this book.
Argh, again come to this difficult moment in choosing another new book. Ciao!

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