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Monday, March 10, 2014

Lone Wolf

LONE WOLF by Jodi Picoult
Worth reading: ★★★☆ (8/10)
Reason: Simply touched your heart. Curiosity grows, wanted to know the ending.

This is a very very nice story. The story line is very simple but it is very meaningful. I spent about two months in reading this book. My slow reading speed never mean that this is a boring novel, NO! It is a very touching story, it makes me want to read more each time but sad to say that I'm too busy in doing my assignment sometimes I don't have the mood to continue. I'm glad I finish it today.

This is a story about FAMILY LOVE. Luke Warren is a man who left his family and decided to stay with a pack of wolves. He returned to his family after few years and tried his best to back to normal human life. His son Edward accidentally found that Luke is having affair with a lady. To protect his family, he chose to hide the truth and so he left to Thailand. But at last his mother, Georgie still decided to divorce with Luke and married to a lawyer named Joe Ng. The little daughter of Luke and Georgie, Cara chose to stay with his dad at last. One day, Cara was having party in her friend's house and get drunk. Luke fetched her back home but they met an accident on the way back. Luke was declared to be in vegetative state forever. Edward back from Thailand after 6 years leaving. He decided to give dial down the ventilator and donate Luke's organ since he was signed as an organ donor but Cara refused to do so. She wanted to save her dad and she believed that her dad will recover one day. They went to court to ask for guardianship of their father but the permanent guardianship was awarded to Edward at last. And so, Edward decided to donate his father's organ. Now he knew that his sister would like to keep her dad was because she argued with him and led to the accident. Both of them knew that the common thing they did was they told their father 'I hate you' as the last sentences of their conversation. But in the inner of their heart, they knew that they love their dad..

This book is really great because the writer mixed the details of the living style of wolves in human's life. We could understand how Luke thinks in his deep core of hear after affected by the living style of wolves. Besides, we can clearly know how different characters feel towards the same incident too. And from every monologue of the characters, it brings out memories (reasons) that leads everything to the present stage (result). Once you start reading, it is difficult for you to stop because it makes you curious about the ending. What would happened to Luke? Dead or miracle?

For me, I didn't know what would be the best choice for Luke. I want him to live so that I could stay with him forever and I don't want to lose anyone from my life but at the same time I couldn't accept the fact that he would be lying on bed and ended his life meaningless like this. I know he doesn't want to live like that too. So, I want to follow his wishes to donate his organ but how could I to be so cruel to end his life right? It is really a big dilemma and also the interesting part of this story. If you were Luke's children, what would be your choice?

This is a pretty short book review I guess because I don't know what could I describe. I just feel very sad. The words are sad. The ending part that describing the dead of Luke and the machine were all taken off and everything left in the hospital room was merely memories, those sentences made me shed tears. Dead is an event and you move on. Simply touched. :"(

What would be my next book? Maybe I should read One Day? Or The Fault in Our Stars? Or Limitless? I gonna read some motivating book or romantic novel with happy ending. Life of mine is dull and depressing recently, I need some happy thing to boost up my positive sunshine happiness. 

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